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Conversion practices (or so called “conversion therapy”) are damaging and destructive acts which aim to change or suppress a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
Below you can learn more about the Scottish Government’s ongoing work to introduce legislation to end conversion practices in Scotland.
You can also read the Equality Network’s page on the work we have been doing to inform the legislation, and our manager Vic’s columns at the Scotsman on the importance of comprehensive legislation on ending conversion practices here, here and here.
Following a successful petition by End Conversion Therapy Scotland, the Scottish Government have proposed legislation to end conversion practices in Scotland, and held a consultation to hear people’s opinions on their proposals from January to April 2024.
You can read Equality Network’s full response to the consultation here.
Back in 2021, the Scottish Parliament’s Equality, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee asked for views on the petition lodged by End Conversion Therapy Scotland which implored the Scottish Government to introduce legislation to end conversion practices in Scotland.
Scottish Trans, along with Equality Network, Stonewall Scotland, and LGBT Youth Scotland, made a joint submission to the EHRCJ Committee on the importance of this legislation, which you can read here.
Our manager Vic also later gave oral evidence to the Committee alongside representatives from the other organisations who were part of the joint submission, which you can watch here.
30 Bernard Street Edinburgh EH6 6PR
+44 (0)131 467 6039 info@scottishtrans.org
Scottish Trans is part of the Equality Network
Scottish Trans is the Equality Network project to improve gender identity and gender reassignment equality, rights and inclusion in Scotland. The Equality Network is a leading Scottish lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) equality and human rights charity.
The Equality Network is a registered Scottish charity: SC037852, and a company limited by guarantee: SC220213.
We are grateful for funding from the Scottish Government