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Reproductive Health and Fertility Services and our Community’s Experiences

The Equality Network has conducted a survey focusing on the experiences of reproductive health and fertility services of the LGBT population in Scotland.

The survey had over 700 responses. We found that experiences were very different for cis lesbian and Bi+ (LB+ women), and for trans respondents. For that reason, we have written two reports: one looking at cis LB+ women’s experiences and another looking at trans people’s experiences. Of course a significant number of respondents were both trans and LGB+, and their experiences are included in the report looking at the experiences of trans people.

Both reports qualitatively explore our findings about contraception use, cancer screenings, pregnancy and pregnancy services, fertility treatment, fertility and the law, surrogacy, breastfeeding and abortion services. It will also discuss recommendations for these service providers on how they can better include LGBT+ people.

Trans People’s Experiences of Reproductive Health and Fertility Services in Scotland

Trans People’s Experiences of Reproductive Health and Fertility Services in Scotland

This report looks at the experiences of trans people who responded.

Lesbian, and Bi+ Women’s Experiences of Reproductive Health and Fertility Services in Scotland

Lesbian, and Bi+ Women’s Experiences of Reproductive Health and Fertility Services in Scotland

This report looks at the experiences of cis LB+ women who responded.

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Edinburgh EH6 6PR

Scottish Trans is part of the Equality Network