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On Thursday 20th June 2024, this Act was unanimously approved by Scottish Parliament at stage three with no amendments, and on August 1st 2024 it received Royal Assent and became law.
In 2018, the Scottish Parliament passed the Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Act 2018. The law aimed to increase the representation of women on the boards of certain Scottish Public Bodies (like the Accounts Commission or the National Library). It did this by requiring these bodies to appoint a woman when recruiting for board members if:
The Act contained a definition of ‘woman’ that would have meant that all trans women who had already permanently transitioned to living as a woman, whether they did or didn’t have a Gender Recognition Certificate, would be counted as a woman if there was ever this kind of situation. That definition was supported by every party at Holyrood.
In 2020, a group called For Women Scotland took a court case challenging that definition. Initially, they lost the case. But they appealed the decision, and they won on appeal in 2022.
They won because the Court of Session found that although the Scottish Parliament has devolved power to pass some laws about positive action (taking measures targeted at specific groups to improve their participation and decrease disadvantage), it does not have the power to change who counts as a woman in the Equality Act 2010. That power is reserved to the UK Parliament. The effect of the court ruling was to cancel the fully trans-inclusive definition of woman in the 2018 Act, meaning that the definition in the Equality Act applies instead, and only trans women with gender recognition certificates are considered women for this purpose.
This new Act is a response to that court ruling. It is a very short Act that simply deletes, on paper, something that was effectively removed from the 2018 Act by the court, in 2022.
The Act was introduced to Scottish Parliament by the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice on November 7th 2023.
As is the case for all bills that pass through Scottish Parliament, this legislation was assigned to a cross-party committee (the Equality, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee), who collected evidence and scrutinised the Bill before producing a report outlining whether they recommend that the whole Parliament should support the principle of the Bill, as well as any changes they believe are needed to improve the Bill. You can read more about the parliamentary process on our legislation page here.
From the to 9th the 29th January 2024, the Equality, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee held a call for views on the Bill, where members of the public and organisations could tell the Committee how they felt about the Bill, whether they supported it or not, and if they had issues with it or suggestions for improvements.
56 individuals and organisations submitted responses to the call for views, and their responses can be found here. Before reading the responses, please be aware that while most of the responses were supportive of trans inclusion or generally neutral on the Bill, the responses do contain a wide range of views on trans equality.
You can view our submission in full here, but in summary, we said that we support the new Bill because it simply confirms on paper the change to the 2018 Act that the Court of Session made in 2022. The court ruled that a fully trans-inclusive definition of woman was beyond the devolved powers of the Scottish Parliament – the court did not rule that the inclusive definition was wrong.
To explain this, we said that:
“The trans community may perceive the Bill to have a negative impact on their community, as they could mistakenly view it as a step backwards from their work to achieve equality or a sign that the Scottish Government is changing its position on support for trans rights. However any substantive impact on the operation of the law is as a result of the Court’s decisions, not this Bill which simply clears up confusing wording. Officials are engaging with LGBTQI+ stakeholders to reassure them of the Scottish Government’s ongoing commitment to achieving greater equality.” (emphasis added)
On 15th March 2024, the Equality, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee released their stage 1 report on the Bill, where they summarised the evidence they collected and recommend that parliament agrees to the general principles of the Bill.
On 26th March 2024, the Scottish Parliament debated the Bill and unanimously voted in favour of its general principles, meaning the Bill continued its progress through parliament to stage 2, where amendments can be made to the Bill. You can read more about how laws are made in the Scottish Parliament here.
On 30th April 2024, the Bill passed stage 2 with no amendments proposed. It will now move to stage 3, where any final amendments can be proposed and voted on by all MSPs, before a final debate and vote on whether the Bill will become law.
On 20th June 2024, the Bill passed stage 3 with unanimous support from all parties and no amendments. It will now progress to royal assent and become law.
On 1st August 2024, the Bill received Royal Assent and became law, making it the Gender Representation on Public Boards (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2024.
You can find the text of the Act as introduced here: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2024/12/enacted
You can read more about the Act in this Scotsman column we wrote it was first introduced in November: https://www.scotsman.com/news/opinion/columnists/inaccurate-commentary-can-leave-everyone-feeling-confused-on-trans-rights-vic-valentine-4403746
You can find the Bill as it twas introduced to Scottish Parliament, and the related documents, here: https://www.parliament.scot/bills-and-laws/bills/gender-representation-on-public-boards-amendment-scotland-bill/overview
You can read the Scottish Parliament’s SPICe briefing on the Bill here: https://bprcdn.parliament.scot/published/2024/2/1/a7eae3c4-71eb-4d56-b6bf-836715c99f68/SB%2024-06.pdf
You can find a longer explanation about a separate court ruling about the guidance produced by the Scottish Government relating to the Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Act 2018, and what it does (and more importantly doesn’t!) mean, for trans people’s legal rights here: https://www.scottishtrans.org/the-decision-of-the-court-of-session-on-for-women-scotland-vs-scottish-ministers/
30 Bernard Street Edinburgh EH6 6PR
+44 (0)131 467 6039 info@scottishtrans.org
Scottish Trans is part of the Equality Network
Scottish Trans is the Equality Network project to improve gender identity and gender reassignment equality, rights and inclusion in Scotland. The Equality Network is a leading Scottish lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) equality and human rights charity.
The Equality Network is a registered Scottish charity: SC037852, and a company limited by guarantee: SC220213.
We are grateful for funding from the Scottish Government