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National LGBT+ organisations in Scotland (Equality Network, Scottish Trans, LEAP Sports Scotland, LGBT Youth Scotland, Stonewall Scotland and LGBT Health and Wellbeing) have written today to each of the candidates standing to be next First Minister, to ask that they commit to honouring existing Scottish Government commitments to improve LGBT+ people’s lives, and to continue progressing LGBT+ equality.
The letter asks candidates to confirm their support for five existing commitments of the Scottish Government:
Tim Hopkins, Director of Equality Network said:
“We appreciate that there will be many issues for the next First Minister to deal with. As LGBT+ organisations, our concern is that the existing commitments by the Scottish Government, which value and support Scotland’s LGBT+ people, will be continued by the new First Minister. Will the candidates confirm that, or is there a risk that those commitments will be dropped?”
Dr Rebecca Crowther, Policy Co-ordinator at Equality Network said:
“Scotland deserves a leader who will continue pushing for equality and human rights in all aspects of life. We need a leader who will do everything they can to ensure we are all free from harm and to be who we are. We must see our humanity and human rights reflected in legislation; they must challenge section 35, and deliver gender recognition reform, we must push for better accessible healthcare, tackle rising hate crime and, we must finally end harmful conversion practices that have devastating long term effects. We need a First Minister who has the strength of leadership, and the willing, to achieve all of this.”
Vic Valentine, Manager of Scottish Trans said:
“While for now this might be a contest about who leads the SNP, ultimately whoever is successful will go on to lead the country. LGBT+ people are a part of Scotland’s communities, and trans people are your friends, family, colleagues and neighbours. It is absolutely vital that the future First Minister takes decisions in the interests of everyone, and rather than seeing protecting and improving trans people’s lives and rights as an optional add-on, understands that doing so is a small but important part of leading a Scotland in which everyone can thrive.”
30 Bernard Street Edinburgh EH6 6PR
+44 (0)131 467 6039 info@scottishtrans.org
Scottish Trans is part of the Equality Network
Scottish Trans is the Equality Network project to improve gender identity and gender reassignment equality, rights and inclusion in Scotland. The Equality Network is a leading Scottish lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) equality and human rights charity.
The Equality Network is a registered Scottish charity: SC037852, and a company limited by guarantee: SC220213.
We are grateful for funding from the Scottish Government